Paste From Clipboard ( Modeling )

Tool summary :

Also see :

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   A video and an example :

VIDEO A stair is copied from one v2017 project to a different v2017 project. The operation is done in Modeling . The location of a reference point is required. (Recorded in SDS2 Detailing , v2017.)

Disclaimer: The reference point used in this example is located on a member that is not one of the members that are copied. For situations where rotation is required, it is best to locate the reference point on one of the copied members.

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   Ways to invoke Paste From Clipboard :

In Modeling :

Method 1 : Right-click and select " Paste From Clipboard " on the context menu .

Method 2 : Click the icon. The icon can be taken from the group named ' Model -- Member ' and placed on a toolbar (classic) or the ribbon (lightning).

Method 3 : If " Modeling layout style " is ' Classic ', you can use the menu system to choose Model > Member > Paste From Clipboard .

Method 4, 5 or 6 : Paste From Clipboard can also be configured to be invoked using a keyboard shortcut , the context menu , or a mode . For the lightning interface, this configuration is done using Customize Interface .

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   General information and cautions :

  • Paste From Clipboard lets you paste members into your current Job that were originally copied -- by you -- from a different Job using Copy To Clipboard .
  • Such copy-paste operations may be done in Jobs that share the same data directory .
  • The operations may be done at the same work station or different work stations on a shared server, so long as the same data directory is shared and the same user login name is used.
  • The clipboard that is copied to is, in fact, a temporary Job that is stored in the data directory and is associated with the login name of the user who did the Copy To Clipboard operation.
  • A clipboard is overwritten each time a user does a Copy To Clipboard .
  • Multiple clipboards, each associated with a different user, may be saved to the data directory.
  • The clipboard is saved across multiple Modeling sessions so long as the user does not overwrite it by doing another Copy To Clipboard .
  • Since a clipboard is tied to a person's login name, the same person needs to perform both the Copy To Clipboard and Paste From Clipboard operation.
  • When copying members to the clipboard, the original Job's shape file is used. If needed, materials will be copied to the local shape file of the Job that is pasted to.
  • The reference point that you locate when you Copy To Clipboard should be placed at a location that will permit you to easily rotate the members into place when you later Paste From Clipboard in a different Job.
  • For Jobs that are very similar, such as the one shown in the example , you may be able to achieve good results using a reference point that is on a member that you are not copying. However, in cases where you will need to rotate the members into place, the best place to locate the reference point is on one of the members you are copying.
  • If your organization is working on two different Jobs that model the same construction project with members oriented exactly the same with respect to the 0, 0, 0 global coordinate , it might be a good idea to use the global 0, 0, 0 point as your reference point. However, this is a very special situation that would only work on Jobs that are near duplicates of one another.

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   Step-by-step instructions for copy & paste :

These instructions tell you to use Copy To Clipboard and Paste From Clipboard to copy members from one Job into another. Steps 1 and 2 of these instructions feature preselection and the context menu to invoke Copy To Clipboard . Be aware that there are other methods for invoking Copy To Clipboard . Please also be aware that you, the same user, should perform all of these steps -- see General information and cautions .

1 . Before invoking Copy To Clipboard using the context menu , select the members that you want to copy. Select Items bindings need to be active in order for you to be able to select members. Also, the selection filter must be ' Default ' or ' Legacy Default ' or ' Members ' or to some other filter that allows the selection of members..

Select Items bindings

Selection can be done using Select ( ) or Select + ( ) or by drawing an area box ( ). Use Select- ( ) if you want to deselect items. You can also use the Model Tree to select members.

2 . Right-click and select " Copy To Clipboard " on the context menu .

3 . Locate- Pan -Return mouse bindings become active along with various Locate options. The status line prompts, "Locate a reference point:"


Alternative 1 : Select the Locate icon you want (if its not pressed already), then place your mouse pointer ( ) so that the point location target ( ) snaps to where you want the reference point, then left-click ( Locate ). Go to step 4.

Alternative 2 : Pight-click ( Return ) to end the Copy To Clipboard operation and keep everything as it was before step 1. Do not continue.

4 . The members that you selected in step 1 are automatically deselected, and those members are now copied to the clipboard. See General information and cautions .

4a : Home > " Change Active Job " to a different Job. This will be the Job to which you will Paste From Clipboard the members that you copied.

5 . In Modeling in the Job you opened in step 4, you should be in a view that provides a suitable point for reference point location. If needed, you may want to Construction Line Add to create such a suitable point.

5a : Invoke Paste From Clipboard using any one of the available methods.

6 . Locate - Pan - Return mouse bindings become active along with various Locate options. The status line prompts, "Locate a reference point:"


Alternative 1 : Select the Locate icon you want (if its not pressed already), then place your mouse pointer ( ) so that the point location target ( ) snaps to where you want the reference point, then left-click ( Locate ). Go to step 6.

Alternative 2 : Pight-click ( Return ) to end the Paste From Clipboard operation and keep everything as it was before step 5. Do not continue.

7 . The Rotate Material window opens. Note that the " Coordinate system " is set to ' Global ' and cannot be changed. Also note that the global axes that you can rotate the pasted members around originate at the reference point you located in step 6. Those members are the same distance and relative position from that reference point as were the members that were selected in step 1 were from the reference point that was located in step 3.

Alternative 1 : To accept the position of the members as they are currently shown on screen, press " OK " without first rotating the members. Go to step 8.

Alternative 2 : Select the axis ( " X " or " Y " or " Z ") that you want to rotate the members around. Enter a number (of degrees) to the " Increment " field.Press the " Rotate + " or " Rotate - " button to rotate the members. Press " OK " to accept the rotation when the members are positioned where you want them to be. Go to step 8.

Alternative 3 : Press the " Cance l " button to end the Paste From Clipboard operation and keep everything as it was before step 5. Do not continue.

8 . The new members you copied from another Job (steps 1, 2 & 3) are now a part of your current Job , which you changed to in step 4. The members can be operated on using the same tools that you can use for any other members. For example, if you need to adjust their location, you can use Move/Stretch .

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